
You are of course correct in your statement that running the database on a
separate server does not solve the problem.  I contend that it is a problem
that cannot be solved.  The best we can hope for is to make it so difficult
that all but the most persistent give up.  Move the CC info onto it's own,
isolated server, is one step in that direction.

I did not mention it but you are again correct, some type of encryption is
called for as well. Pick you flavor but by all means, encrypt the info. I
would caution against using the users password as the key though because if
the user changes his/her password, it may leave the cc numbers mangled for
life. Something a bit more permanent like their login (which is usually not
changeable), their memberID or possibly a random number generated and stored
in the database with the users record but never returned to the browser.

My advise was not meant to assist in preventing someone from using malicious
web code to access the information. I was trying to help with physical
security of the data by adding an additional layer of security on top of
anything done in code.

Securing the data separately from everything else does have the advantage of
not compromising very sensitive data if the rest of the data is compromised.

My $0.2 worth, again, not arguing with you...:)

* Cal Evans
* Journeyman Programmer
* Techno-Mage
* http://www.calevans.com

-----Original Message-----
From: SHEETS,JASON (Non-HP-Boise,ex1) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 12:07 PM
To: 'Someone Somewhere'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Secure storage of credit card information

Storing credit card numbers is dangerous, look at the mcrypt functions like
previously mentioned.

I would encrypt the user's credit card number with a key based on their
account password this gives you the ability to not store the encryption key
on the webserver.  You should mangle it, encrypt it with a temp key, etc.  I
would mangle their password someway to make it a more secure password, don't
trust a user to pick a safe or secure password.  Make sure you store the
users password as an md5 hash so that if your machine is compromised the bad
guys can't easily get your users passwords.

Just running the database server on an isolated machine does not solve the
problem of keeping the data secure, neither does running a firewall between
the two, obviously your web server needs access to the database, that in
itself will enable a "bad guy" to access your database once he has access to
your web server because the firewall allows access from your webserver to
the database server, speed of connection to the database server doesn't
really matter, how long does it take to transfer 16 characters?, if you are
not using encryption or store the key on your web server he has full access
to all of your credit card numbers.

Secure both your webserver and your database server and the host os they run
on (I would NOT use Windows), run tripwire or another similar program to
monitor your PHP scripts, if someone were to hack your machine they could
modify your PHP code to email them your users passwords, also conduct all
transactions accross at least 128 bit SSL.  Do NOT store the credit card
number or login password unencrypted in a session, sessions are plain text
by default and someone with access to your machine can read the session
files or access your database and read the information.

Make sure you really need to store credit cards, one bug and some script
kiddie has your credit card information.


-----Original Message-----
From: Someone Somewhere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: [PHP] Secure storage of credit card information

I'm working on a e commerce  site and I need to store the credit card info
of people who purchase stuff, on the site. How can I encrypt the credit card
# put it in a dbase and decrypt it when I need to

Using Php4.* and Mysql.

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