Ok, I have tried all 3 examples and even tried a few variations that you
have given me and so far nothing is getting displayed, is there a way to
check for errors?  here is the code I am working with:

// second selection for main image on main page
$dir_name = "/path/to/images/directory/";
$dir = opendir($dir_name);
$file_lost .= "<p><FORM METHOD=\"post\" ACTION=\"done.php3\"
<SELECT NAME=\"images\">";
 while ($file_names = readdir($dir)) {
  if ($file_names != "." && $file_names !=".." &&
eregi("^/*_[0-9]{4}\.jpg$", $file_name)) {
  $file_lost .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$file_names\"
 $file_lost .= "</SELECT><br><br><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"submit\"

"Michael Virnstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> and i'd suggest using eregi instead, because then also .Jpg or .JPG will
> found.
> "Michael Virnstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > see what's wrong here:
> > ereg('(^[0-1231]$).jpg$',$file_name)
> >
> > [] meens a group of characters, so in your case
> > 0,1,2 and 3 are valid characters. you haven't defined any
> > modifer like ?,*,+ or{}, so one of this characters has to
> > be found exactly one time. you're using ^ outside the [] so it meens the
> > beginning of the string.
> > in your case none of these characters inside the [] can be found at the
> > beginning of the string.
> > then you use $ after the []. $ meens the end of the string. none of the
> > characters in the [] matches at the end of the string.
> > so this would be right:
> >
> > ereg('_[0-9]{4}\.jpg$', $file_name);
> >
> > so this meens:
> > the beginning of the string doesn't matter, because we have not
> ^
> > at the beginning.
> > there has to be an underscore, followed by 4 characters between 0 and 9,
> > followed by an dot,
> > followed by j, followd by p, followed by g. g has to be at the end of
> > string, because of the $.
> > or you can use:
> > ereg('^\.*_[0-9]{4}\.jpg$', $file_name);
> >
> > this will meen :
> > any characters at the beginning between 0 and unlimited times, then
> followed
> > by an underscore,
> > followed by 4 characters between 0 and 9, followed by a dot, followed by
> > jpg. same as above
> > though. But the * is a real performance eater so it could be slightly
> faster
> > if you're using the first example.
> >
> >
> >
> > "Jas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > > I hate to say it but that didn't work, I have been trying different
> > > variations of the same ereg('_(^90-9{4}$).jpg$',$file_names) and
> > > seems to work for me, I have also been looking at the ereg and
> > > functions but they don't seem to make sense to me, here is the code as
> > > whole if this helps:
> > > // query directory and place results in select box
> > > $dir_name = "/path/to/images/directory/on/server/"; // path to
> > on
> > > server
> > > $dir = opendir($dir_name); // open the directory in question
> > > $file_lost .= "<p><FORM METHOD=\"post\" ACTION=\"done.php3\"
> > NAME=\"ad01\">
> > > <SELECT NAME=\"image_path\">";
> > >  while ($file_names = readdir($dir)) {
> > >   if ($file_names != "." && $file_names !=".." &&
> > ereg('_(^[0-9]{4}.jpg$)',
> > > $file_names)) // filter my contents
> > >  {
> > >   $file_lost .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$file_names\"
> > > NAME=\"$file_names\">$file_names</OPTION>";
> > >   }
> > >  }
> > >  $file_lost .= "</SELECT><br><br><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\"
> > > VALUE=\"select\"></FORM></p>";
> > >  closedir($dir);
> > > What I am trying to accomplish is to list the contents of a directory
> > > select box but I want to filter out any files that dont meet this
> criteria
> > > *_4444.jpg and nothing is working for me, any help or good tutorials
> > > strings would be great.
> > > Jas
> > > "Erik Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > >
> > > > On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 05:59  AM, jas wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Is this a correct string to show only files that look like so:
> > > > > *_2222.jpg
> > > > > if ($file_names != "." && $file_names !=".." &&
> > > > > ereg('(^[0-1231]$).jpg$',$file_name))
> > > > > Any help would be great.
> > > >
> > > > preg_match(/^_[0-9]{4,4}\.jpg$/, $file_name) should match any string
> > > > that starts with an underscore, is followed by exactly four digits,
> and
> > > > then a ".jpg".  It will not match anything but this exact string.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Erik
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > Erik Price
> > > > Web Developer Temp
> > > > Media Lab, H.H. Brown
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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