Sorry, but this problem hasnīt been solved yet, It drives me crazy.

At 12.04.2002  17:41, I wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>Does anybody know if there are differences in cookieprocessing
>A.Suse 2.2.14-SMP/apache 1.3.12 / PHP 3.0.16 and
>B.Suse  2.4.9 /apache 1.3.20 / PHP 4.0.6
>I have moved "working pages" from A to B, and now (Win)Opera 6.01
>will not accept cookies from the, formerly working, pages. I have 
>CookieTracking on
>on both machines. The apache-cookie is sent and set from both machines.
>But my php-routines (which sends the fitting cookie to the dif. browsers)
>work different.
>Someone had same problems?
>Maybe I forgot something in httpd.conf on B ?
>Any suggestions?
>TIA Oliver

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