On Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 11:32  AM, Scott St. John wrote:

> What I am also discovering is I have to use die; to halt execution for
> certain things.  An example, I check to see if a user is still active in
> the system, if they are not I use a header to redirect them to a page 
> that
> tells them they are inactive.
> if ($userActive == 0){
>       header ('Location: notice.php');
> }
> As is it does not work until I do this:
> if ($userActive == 0){
>       header ('Location: notice.php');
>       die;
> }

That's strange, I never have to use "die".  Try using an absolute path 
in header(), like header('Location: http://domain.com/notice.php'), that 
may fix this (not sure).  Also make sure that header() is executed 
before any HTML is output from the PHP processor, this is a common 
mistake for new PHP coders.  Even a single line of whitespace sent 
before the header() line will screw it up, and this applies to all 
header() types, not just "Location:".



Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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