I have a problem.

I am fetching rows from a MySQL table called "temp."  Each row has four
fields: "Name", "1", "2" and "3"

Then I do this function which will eventually generate records for a
lookup table for any skills in the 1, 2 or 3 fields that equal the string
"YES" associated with the Name (right now it just prints to the web
browser while I debug it).

function generateLookupTable() {
        $query  = "SELECT * FROM temp";
        if ( !$result = mysql_query($query) ) {
                print("<p>mysql_error() .  "<br>$query</p>"); 
        } else {
                // For each name returned, march through
                // each skill and insert a row into the
                // lookup_skill
                // where the skill value == "YES"
                while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
                        print("<p>"); // For test
                        while ( list($key,$value) = each($row) ) {
                                print("---\{$key,$value}---"); // For test
                                if ( $key == "Name" ) { <<<<<<<<-----
                                        print("Name is $value, Key = $key
| ");
                                } else {
                                        if ( $value == "YES" ) {
                                                print("$key | ");
                        print("</p>"); // For test

I have marked an IF statement with the "<<<<<<<-----" string.  As the
while statement marches through the array $row returned from
mysql_fetch_array the value of key is set first to "0" then "Name" then
"1" then "2" then "3".  Fine.  However, the if statement highlighted above
winds up being "true" when the $key == 0 and when $key == "Name" and I
can't see why this would be so.

Any possibilities folks?  I am quickly working around this now so it is
not slowing me down, however, this is just too unusual to not figure out.



John Huggins



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