

Anything else? That one works, right???

So far we've got a-z, A-Z, underscores, hyphens, equals, and pluses. Oh crap 
numbers! Okay added it in up there. Anything else?

On Wednesday 24 April 2002 17:17 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Evan Nemerson wrote:
> > A domain cannot contain an underscore, but unless i'm mistaken the
> > USERNAME can. the domain name REGEX is [\.a-zA-Z\-]+
> >
> > ereg("([_a-zA-Z\-]+|\*)\@[\.a-zA-Z\-]+\.[\.a-zA-Z\-]+",$variable);
> Right you are. I spaced out right past the @.
> But on the other hand usernames can contain all sorts of other characters
> too. = and + are popular among people who give out multiple addresses for
> mailbox filtering.
> miguel

And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all.


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