have you included the MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden field?
If yes try increasng the value to above the image size
"Walter Enzenhofer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi there,
> i´m sorry to post that stupid message, but i really need help in finding
> solution to a maybe small problem.
> I´m trying to do a simple file upload (jpeg) with the "copy" function.
> the destination directory is set to chmod 0777, the files are copied to
> directory (with the correct extension .jpg), but if i try to open them,
> files seem to be corrupt. (the filesize seems to be o.k.). i tried several
> upload-scripts to test the situation, but the result is everytime the
> on my test-server, i´m running Yellow Dog Linux (PPC) with PHP4.0.4pl1.
> I tried the uploads from different browsers.
> Can anybody pls help me find the bug ??
> thanx!!!!
> best regards,
> walter

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