> Greetings guys/girls (Like there are many of them around on the list),
> Special greetings to Steve,Nathon,Michael,John and ANYBODY else who was
> enough to help me.)
> Anyway, I was not joking when I said free webhosting for you.
> Little bit of background first.
> I am in charge of buying webhosting accounts for my company and this time
> purchased one extra account, (This happens frequently with us)
> So now I have a 1 year paid webhosting account with either PHP or CGI
> installed, 99.3 uptime, a catch all address, your domain, unique ip
> etc etc
> The deal is this, I am overworked with work here and need a small project
> done, I dont have the time and since nothing is free in this
> do my project and since i cant pay you i give you the hosting account, you
> can make your own personal/commercial website WITH OUT ANY BANNERS.  you
> charge for banners etc thats up to you.
> Remember though, you have to follow the webhosts rules:
> No porn, that includes kiddy stuff,gay porn( basically no sick stuff).
> No racism ...eg Chinks,Niggers, jews etc
> (basically no making fun of people who have differient eye features than
> differerent skin colour or different race, religon...live and let live
> ok heres the "rough" project (its for a personals site):
> 1.Take user details (email,username,password, address date-of-birth etc),
> preview them, write to database, make a folder with the username of the
> user,send an email for confirmation.
> 2.One  page for the user to enter the username/password and then when
> in user should be able to upload upto 5 pics each pic not more than 50 k
> (Admin has to approve each photo first.)
> 3.User can delete any picture and add more.
> 4.User can "tick" which pic they want to display and which not.
> 5.there should be a quick look where when someone wants to join they click
> on "quick" look and they see photo with short description eg
> ---------|
> |                                       |
> |
> |  Photo                            | Part of description ...join to see
> full (Link)                      |
> |                                       |
> |
> ---------
> |                                      |
> |    Photo                         |    Part of description...join to see
> full (Link)
> |                                      |
> |                                      |
> -----------
> |                                       |
> |
> |  Photo                            | Part of description...join to see
> (Link)                       |
> |                                       |
> |
> ---------
> |                                       |
> |
> |  Photo                            | Part of description...join to see
> (Link)                       |
> |                                       |
> |
> ---------
> ||
>   etc etc
> THATS IT! if you feel you can do it, write in with ATTENTION RYAN in the
> subject line,will respond TOTAL work details,images etc, with my company
> website URL and my personal phone no if you want to talk about the
> Preference will be given to people who have already helped me in the past
> but it basically works on a first come first serve basis.
> Any questions...just ask.
> Dont bother with the designing part.
> IMPORTANT: I will need comments everywhere explaining EXACTLY what is
> done.
> Cheers,
> -Ryan.

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