>On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, Richard Lynch wrote:
>>>On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Richard Lynch wrote:
>>>>   $test = escapeshellarg($cleartext);
>>>>   exec("cat $test | /usr/bin/pgpe -a -t -f -r '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>>>>    . . .
>>>>   ^Kb^Estdin^H^@^@^@
>>>$cleartext is the actual text? What if you used 'echo' instead of 'cat'?
>>  D'oh!
>>  Different output, for sure, but still nothing decodable into the original...
>Maybe cat's bugging on the line breaks (if any) in $cleartext. You might
>try, for starters, dumping the message into a temp file and passing that
>through pgpe...

TIPS for the archives, in case I die before I figure this out completely:

1. You may or may not need to use putenv("PGPPATH=/home/yourusername/.pgp");

2. If you are going to use --pubring and --secring, note that the 
filename extension for SECRING is .skr, not .pkr  D'oh!

3. When you copy&paste from your browser to the SSH session where you 
can use pgpv to decode your message, the newlines are critical to get 
*EXACTLY* right, including the extra one after the "Message ID: 
........" line that was getting lost in my copy/paste

4. It may have been significant that I tried re-ordering the args to 
pgpv the way they are in man:
pgpv -r [EMAIL PROTECTED] -atfz 
Or, maybe not.

5. I am also using addslashes() which might or might not be helping 
with the newlines...  Again, not sure that was the critical thing. 
#3 was the last thing that made the big difference.

I still haven't gotten popen to work, but at least I can do it with 
exec now, if nothing else.  Yes, that's *NOT* good for security, but 
I'm getting closer to the correct solution.
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