You are right on..
I noticed my error after I sent it. The name='guess' was on the input.??
Daaa! it's Monday .. OK!!
This should work:
$another = 'a';
if (isset($guess)) $another = 'another';
echo "
<form action='number.php' method='post'>
The computer has picked $another number between 1 and 10.<BR>
Guess the number and you win!<BR>
Enter your guess:
<input type='text' size='3' NAME='guess'>
<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='Submit my number'>

if (isset($guess))
        $number = floor(rand(1,10));

        echo "The number is: $number<BR>";

        if ($guess == $number)
        echo '<BR>You have won!';
  else  echo "<BR>Sorry that wasn't the answer";


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