I have a basic sort:

 $orderd_list = array ("$onec_rounded_total", "$aps_rounded_total",
"$bo_rounded_total", "$cap3_rounded_total", "$cap3_rounded_total",
"$cap_rounded_total", "$cfl_rounded_total", "$ecg_rounded_total",
"$ldd_rounded_total", "$png_rounded_total", "$spr_rounded_total",
"$ist917_rounded_total", "$tciac_rounded_total", "$tcicl_rounded_total", 
 sort ($orderd_list);
 reset ($orderd_list);
 while (list ($key, $val) = each ($orderd_list)) {
 echo "[".$key."] = ".$val."<br>\n";

It returns

[0] = 4.90
[1] = 4.99
[2] = 5.06
[3] = 5.60
[4] = 6.00
[5] = 6.00
[6] = 6.90
[7] = 6.90
[8] = 6.95
[9] = 7.00
[10] = 9.00
[11] = 10.50
[12] = 11.00
[13] = 11.26
[14] = 13.10

How do I maintain a varible name (for identification) in this output
list ie: 

onec = 4.90 //from the varible $onec_rounded_total
cfl = 4.99 
bo = 5.06
and so on... 

Thanks In Advance,

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