> I'm going to guess you are using mysql.

Dagwood. I always leave details out. Doesn't matter
what it is. Yes, it's MySQL, and I'm forwarding this
to the list because you're not the only one that
caught my oversight. Sorry about that again.

> Before starting a test, dump your database with the
> mysqldump command.
> Edit this file to create/use your test database.
> Load your test database with this file.

Hmm. No I didn't do this. Not too familiar with all
the intricacies of MySQL (or SQL). I'll take a look at
dumping the database.

> This is too obvious and too easy...therefore, I
> assume you already did this
> and it did not provide what you needed.
> What additional functionality are you seeking?

I'm just seeking a database duplication that I can
throw away after I'm done.

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