Vins --
Thanks very much for your reply, I think your really close to the
Remember were talking about an ISP/hosting company (I actualy don't work
for them) using "virtual hosting". Wouldn't a "DirectiveIndex" in the
<VitualHost> </VituralHost> section of the httpd.conf override the
system directive? 
> I'm guessing that you've set the default directory index in the conf file
> for apache2 as follows.
> Directory Index   index.html index.php
> ???
Yes, my default index is setup on my local box this why.
I don't have any problems with it seeing index.php as the default index
but I not running virtual host. 

What are you thoughts on the security question raised reblow?

> >
> > Also I beleive there maybe some secruity issues with their PHP
> > configure, phpinfo() returns the following
> > for "Configure Command" (NO --enable-track-vars or
> > --enable-force-cgi-redirect):
> >
> > './configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs'
> >                                        '--prefix=/usr/local/php4'
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > David Jackson

Thanks again for you time and knowledge.
David Jackson

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