Heya folks,

I've got a little problem here, maybe you can help me out.

$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_REFERER"] is supposed to point to the referring 
webpage, if it exists. As is $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] and $HTTP_REFERER 

However, it seems that I do not have this variable available on my 
server. I do however have this funky variable called "HTTP_WREFERER" 
which returns a strange string like value like below:


I've searched PHP.net, and practically every PHP site on the Internet 
with no luck as to what this is supposed to represent. I've even tried 
to find out how I could "enable" the HTTP_REFERER variable, since it 
seems that it is disabled or something.

I am guessing that WREFERER is some kind of encrypted version of 
HTTP_REFERER, but I don't know. It changes everytime, so it is hard to say.

I'm running on PHP Version 4.0.6, if that helps.


Kyle Gibson

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