Hi all,

I have a mySQL database running with PHP4. I have constructed a search form
($searchSite) which returns results in a results page & now I want to have
the word that was entered in the search form highlight in the results page.

eg User enters a search for products using the word " gardening"

Results page might return:

"this shovel is a great gardening tool" and  "to be a expert in gardening,
you will need"...............I want the word gardening to be bold wherever
it is displayed.

My results page has the following code to display search results: BTW it
works like a dream...I just want to jazz it up a bit.


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE Description LIKE
'%$searchSite%' OR Keywords LIKE '%$searchSite%' OR CatName LIKE
'%$searchSite%' ");

blah blah blah

while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) )  {
echo("<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>");
echo("<td width='93'><div align='center'><font size= '2' face =
'Arial,Helvetica,Sans serif'>" . $row["Description"] . "</td>");
echo("<td width='93'><div align='center'><font size= '2' face =
'Arial,Helvetica,Sans serif'>" . $row["ProductName"] . "</td>");
echo("<td width='93'><div align='center'><font size= '2' face =
'Arial,Helvetica,Sans serif'>\$" . $row["RetailPrice"] . "</td>");


How do I do this to highlight my search words?

Thanks, any ideas much appreciated by this PHP newbie.


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