Just another version.

function useColor() {

static $ColorValue; // remember the last color

if ($ColorValue == "#00FF00")
         $ColorValue ="#CCFFCC";
         $ColorValue ="#00FF00";


the call
$RowColor = useColor();
echo '<td bgcolor='.$RowColor.'>';

- Jp

At 15:46 10/05/02, you wrote:
>$rowcount = 0;
>while($dbrowa = mysql_fetch_object($dbseta)){
>         $dbrowb = mysql_fetch_object($dbsetb);
>//change the color of alternating rows
>$rowcount ++;
>if ($rowcount == 1){........too many lines of code
>I get humbled by this list every day. Could I have Single PHP Lines for a
>thousand Alex? Dammit, still thinking like an old Basic programmer...
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Juan Pablo Aqueveque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Redes y Comunicaciones http://www.drc.uct.cl
Universidad Católica de Temuco.
Tel:(5645) 205 630 Fax:(5645) 205 628

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