Swell, I found the error, and it was a STUPID one.. I misconfigured fread()!

Thanx though

TCL 1, PHP 2

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lars Torben Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Phil Powell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP can't access txt files (but TCL can..??)

> On Sat, 2002-05-11 at 14:53, Phil Powell wrote:
> > TCL 1, PHP 0
> >
> > Ok, I am frustrated.. here is my code and this portion has to be done in
> > PHP.  I have a frame that can only be accessed if 1 of 2 things occur:
> >
> > 1) if $HTTP_REFERER has a specific value
> > 2) if your nickname passed in the query string is found in the existing
> > nicknames.txt file found in /chat/nicknames.txt
> >
> > Here is the code:
> Notes:
>  o What version of PHP?
>  o Is register_globals on or off? i.e. are you sure $DOCUMENT_ROOT
>    has a value and that you're not trying to open '/chat/nicknames.txt'?
>  o Quote the 'r' in the fopen() call.
>  o Try this all with error_reporting(E_ALL) and fix (not with '@')
>    everything it complains about.
>  o Your second regex checks that $contents contains at least one alpha-
>    numeric or an underscore or a hyphen. Looks like it should be
>    checking that the string contains *only* those characters.
>  o fread() takes 2 parameters, not one.
>  o 'damage galore' doesn't tell us anything. What *exactly* is the
>    current result of running the below?
> > <?
> >  // Security measure to prevent bookmarking of page unless nickname
> > in nicknames.txt
> >  $contents = "";
> >  if (!preg_match("/\bchat_process_nickname\b/i", $HTTP_REFERER)) {
> >   $canAccessChatroom = 1;
> >   if (strlen($nickname) < 2) $canAccessChatroom = 0;
> >   if (!file_exists($DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/chat/nicknames.txt"))
> > $canAccessChatroom = 0;
> >   if ($canAccessChatroom == 1) {
> >    $fileID = fopen($DOCUMENT_ROOT. "/chat/nicknames.txt", r) or die
> > not open file");
> >    if (!$fileID) {
> >     $canAccessChatroom = 0;
> >    } else {
> >     $contents = fread($fileID);
> >     fclose($fileID);
> >    }
> >   }
> >   if ($canAccessChatroom == 1 && strlen($contents) == 0)
> > = 0;
> >   if ($canAccessChatroom == 1 && !preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+/",
> > $contents)) $canAccessChatroom == 0;
> >   if ($canAccessChatroom == 1) {
> >    if (!preg_match("/\b$nickname\b/i", $contents)) $canAccessChatroom ==
> >   }
> >   if ($canAccessChatroom == 0) {
> >    echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content='1;URL=http://"; . $SERVER_NAME
> > "/chat/chat_login.php'>\n";
> >    echo "<script>\n<!--\n  location.href='http://"; . $SERVER_NAME .
> > "/chat/chat_login.php';\n\/\/-->\n</script>\n";
> >   }
> >  }
> > ?>
> >
> > No matter what I do, however, the file cannot be accessed if it exists
> > causes damage galore.  Can anyone out there help me figure out what I
> > wrong; I'm completely stumped and may have to rewrite this portion of
> > chatroom in TCL, all of my TCL scripts have had NO problems whatsoever
> > accessing the txt files.
> >
> > Phil
> --
>  Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  http://www.thebuttlesschaps.com
>  http://www.hybrid17.com
>  http://www.inflatableeye.com
>  +1.604.709.0506

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