Keith Ay wrote:
> Hi all, I got a problem when using PHP
> Server: win2000(sp2)
> Version: 4.2.0
> Application use: ODBC, sessions, oci8, oracle.
> I tried PHP ISAPI version (4.2.0)
> I am using generic client socket(i.e. fsockopen()) to communicate with a
> server. It work fine at the begin, but I found that if the server
> suddenly shutdown. The follow error
> occur:
> The HTTP server encountered an unhandled exception while processing the
> ISAPI Application '
> php4ts!zend_strndup + 0x2B
>  + 0xA05E5983
> and I have to reboot the system because IIS won't work!!!
> Would u please give me some help or advice? thx!!!!

This may seem a bit harsh, but don't use the ISAPI version.

Michael Kimsal

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