$string1 = "<a href='/Schedule_Detail'>Here's the Schedule</a>";
ereg(">(.*)</a>", $string1, $matches);
$string2 = $matches[1];

Something close to that anyway...

On Mon, 13 May 2002, Brad Melendy wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm pretty stuck here.  I wish to assign a variable the value of a
> particular substrint of text from a second variable.  It's HTML so I've got
> something like:
> $string1 = "<a href='/Schedule_Detail'>Here's the Schedule</a>"
> I want to create a variable $string2 and assign it the value of whatever is
> between ">" and "</a>".  I just can't figure out how to do that.
> Any kind souls want to give me a hand up?  Thanks very much in advance.
> ...Brad
> PS.  I do have a PHP book and I did try reading up on regular expressions at
> php.net first, but I'm just not getting it. :-\
> --
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