On 5/15/02 3:47 PM, "1LT John W. Holmes" [EMAIL PROTECTED] pressed
the keys forming the message:

> I'm not sure what it could be then. If you try a simple test script, doing
> nothing but starting a session and setting a value, does it work?


> If that still doesn't work, then definitely upgrade to 4.2.1.

The reality is, why should I?  I want to match my production environment as
closely as possible.  Is this working for other people or not (under
Win98/WinApache)?  Are you saying that sessions never worked under this
configuration until v 4.2.1?

> Load this script up:
> <?
> session_start();
> if(isset($_SESSION["var"]))
> { echo "variable is already set"; }
> else
> { $_SESSION["var"] = "one"; }
> echo "<p>Click <a href=" . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . ">here</a>";
> ?>

It remembers the variable for the duration of the script.  Once the page is
reloaded, since the session is never written, I get nothing.

I appreciate your help on this.  However, my frustration is that it's not my
code, it's something with the system setup - which seems right!
Ed Marczak

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