I have follow PHP file test.php:

if ($action=="")
echo "<FORM name=\"pp\" action=\"test.php\" method=\"post\" >";
echo "<TEXTAREA name=\"text\"  rows=\"5\" cols=\"50\"  maxlength=\"250\"
echo "<INPUT name=\"send\" type=\"submit\" style=\"width:80px\" ></INPUT>";
echo "<INPUT name=\"action\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"send\"></INPUT>";
echo "</form>";

if ($action=="send")

echo "$text";

// if in the input form I enter something with quotes, i.e.  "TEST"
//    here the value of $text  is   \"TEST\"         . The PHP send value to
me with backslah.
//    How can I get the real entered, i.e. "TEST" ? Where is the problem ?


Rosen Marinov

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