I just installed Red Hat 7.3 with Apache and PHP. I ran a simple script
to test the imap_open function and it doesn't work when using the 
values for servers on my subnet. 


However, if the mailbox I request to open is on another server outside, it 
does work. 

The strange thing is that a friend of mine has the same script running on 
his server (http://pollux.icon.net.mx/~antonio/imap.php) and he can read
a mailbox from my subnet as well as any other.

When I run the script on my server and try to access a local mailbox I 
get the following error:

Warning: Couldn't open stream {www.gym.itesm.mx:143}INBOX in 
/home/campus/html/imap.php on line 5

I just don't know what could be wrong. Help is appreciated.

The script I'm using (comments added to avoid html rendering):

// <?php
// function test_imap($mbx,$uid,$pwd)
// {
// if (!$mbox = imap_open ($mbx, $uid, $pwd))
// {
// echo "<br /><br />";
// echo "<span style='font size: x-large;color:red;'>Password incorrecto</span>";
// echo "<br /><br />";
// echo "<pre>";
// echo "<b>Mailbox.:</b> $mbx<br />";
// echo "<b>Cuenta..:</b> $uid<br />";
// echo "<b>Password:</b> $pwd<br />";
// echo "<b>Error...:</b> "; echo imap_last_error();
// echo "</pre>";
// } else {
// echo "Password correcto: $mbx";
// imap_close($mbox);
// }
// }
// if (!isset($mbx1)) $mbx1 = "{www.gym.itesm.mx:143}INBOX";
// if (!isset($uid1)) $uid1 = "gsoberon";
// if (!isset($pwd1)) $pwd1 = "mypass";
// if (isset($test)) {
// test_imap($mbx1,$uid1,$pwd1);
// }
// ?>
// <html>
// <body>
// <hr>
// <form action="imap.php" method="get">
// <p>
// mailbox: <input type=text name=mbx1 value="<?echo $mbx1;?>"><br />
// usuario: <input type=text name=uid1 value="<?echo $uid1;?>"><br />
// passwd: <input type=text name=pwd1 value="<?echo $pwd1;?>"><br />
// <br />
// <input type=submit name="test" value="Test">
// </p>
// </form>
// </body>
// </html>

Sergio Tirado 

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