I doubt that'll work, as I don't think the gzhandler code will send
gzipped data without a successful negotiation with the client (which can't
happen at the command line). As others have suggested, the easiest way is
probably to use lynx's --mime_header option.


On Sun, 19 May 2002, Jason Caldwell wrote:
> Does anyone know how I can test (and see) if my ob_gzhandler() is working?
> I've written the following script, and run it from the command line to "see"
> the output -- hoping it's encoded -- it isn't -- so I want to make sure I'm
> doing it right.
> <?
>     header("Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate");
>     ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
> ?>
> some HTML code ....
> <?
>     ob_end_flush();
>     ob_end_clean();
> ?>
> I save then run the file:
> C:>php test.php
> Thanks

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