I think these are system-specific. You'll probably have to check which 
time zone your machine understands. For instance, on this FreeBSD machine 
there are hundreds of them in /usr/share/zoneinfo but on other machines 
there are only a handful.

In short, I believe it's an OS rather than a PHP thing.


On Mon, 20 May 2002, SP wrote:
> I am trying to convert date/times to different
> timezones using putenv but I am having problems
> using the right TZ names.  I am trying the zones I
> found here
> http://fuck.org/~ryan/squirrel/timezone/timezones.
> php but it seems the only ones that work are
> =======
> May 20 2002 10:46 am Eastern Standard Time
> May 20 2002 3:46 pm Ame
> May 20 2002 3:46 pm Ame
> May 20 2002 10:46 am EST
> May 20 2002 2:46 pm GMT
> May 20 2002 3:46 pm Eur
> May 20 2002 3:46 pm Asi
> =====
> echo date("F j Y g:i a T"), "<br>";
> putenv("TZ=America/Los_Angeles");
> echo date("F j Y g:i a T"), "<br>";
> putenv("TZ=America/New_York");
> echo date("F j Y g:i a T"), "<br>";
> putenv("TZ=EST5EDT");
> echo date("F j Y g:i a T"), "<br>";
> putenv("TZ=GMT");
> echo date("F j Y g:i a T"), "<br>";
> putenv("TZ=Europe/Paris");
> echo date("F j Y g:i a T"), "<br>";
> putenv("TZ=Asia/Hong_Kong");
> echo date("F j Y g:i a T"), "<br>";
> ---
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