On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 10:19:51PM -0500, CDitty wrote:

> $to = "$user_email[0]";
> $subj = "$Subject";
> $msg = "$Message";
> $headers = "From: $From[1]\n";
> $headers .= "$Mime_Version\n";
> $headers .= "$Content_Type\n";

You're not showing us how you come up with the $From[1], $Mime_Version
and $Content_Type variables.  I'm guessing the $Mime_Version is only
getting "Status:\n" stuck into it.  Then, your $headers string adds the 
extra "\n" which results in the following output you're showing...

> Subject: test
> Status:
> Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> test 1234



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