check your max_execution_time settings in php.ini


"Tom Mikulecky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hello
> In one script I use exec() to execute a shell script which takes 2-3
> hours to run. I disabled user abort and set time limit to more than one
> day. The shell script finishes well but no instruction after exec() is
> run. The script finishes with no error nor warnings.
> Some of you know hwat happens?
> Thanx in advance.
> Tom
> Code snaps:
> ignore_user_abort(1);
> set_time_limit(100000);
> (...)
> exec('/home/tom/  >ouput 2>errlog');    //takes 3 hours to
> //  *** Nothing from here gets executed, '' script completed with
succes ***
> (...)
> I'm using php 4.0.4pl1(can't upgrade) with Apache 1.3.19 on Mandrake

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