Hi. I'm getting this error on my scripts:

Fatal error: Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects nor
string offsets in
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\usap\reports\Daily_Report_Student.php on line 40

After doing some searching, I concluded the errors are caused by using
.=, +=, etc on an array.

$Report["Where"] .= " Battalion = 2 ";

or something similar. The error is eliminated if you replace the line

$Report["Where"] = $Report["Where"] . " Battalion = 2 ";

The odd thing is I'm taking code from one server to another and it's
just now showing up. The one I'm on now that's showing the error is
running 4.2.0, IIS, and Win2K. The other machine is Win2K with IIS also.
I can't remember the exact version of PHP but it's 4.2.x. The error
reporting is the same on each machine, I didn't change that at all (It's
a fatal error, anyhow). 

Any idea why it's ok on one server and not on the other? b/c of PHP
version? Any other workarounds for this or changes to the configuration
I can make to get rid of it? Thanks for any help.

---John Holmes...

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