> Code:
> generate page script:
> $pge = create-page.php
> $pd = $HTTP_GET_VARS['pd'];
> # Set the files
> $crtPge = "/". $pge ."?pd=". $pd; # the url of the dynamic page to
> the
> output page
> $targetfilename = $SITE_ DOCUMENT_ROOT . $outPge; # the output page
> # delete previous version of temp file if it exists
> @unlink('temp.html');
> # open the dynamic page into dynpage
> $dynpage = fopen($crtPge, 'r');

Here it looks like $crtPge is going to be equal to something like
"/create-page.php?pd=xx". If you want to open it via a URL, you need to
add the HTTP:// and server name to it.

$crtPge = http:// . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'] . "/" . $pge .
"?pd=" . $pd;

Something like that...then fopen() will work. 

---John Holmes...

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