On Tue, 28 May 2002, Luis Miguel N. Tavora wrote:

> Hi there.
> I've started to code in PHP a couple of days ago, so 
> I'm really a newbie.
> As far as I understood it, for a server process the php 
> code, the file must have the extension .php 

Not really but it's a good convention.

> But then, the apache server (for example) requires a file
> index.html to be placed in the directory public_html/ ...
> Does that mean that I can't have any php in my main page?
> I've tried to overcome this by creating a symbolic link
>    index.html--->index.php
> but didn't manage to "fool" the server, as it didn't 
> process the .php code!

Find the following line in your Apache's httpd.conf:
DirectoryIndex index.html 

and change it to:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php


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