Hello everyone,

I have a script to check a user submitted string. It may be multiple
words. If a word is found to be 3 characters or less, the script should
retain the case of the string IF all the characters are uppercase.
Otherwise, the script will make the first character of each word
uppercase. So "Main st" becomes "Main St" and "Main st NB" becomes "Main
St NB". Easy enough right?

So take a look and let me know if this is a bug or feature.

Here's the chunk of code and you can test it in action at
http://www.tqlabs.com/testcase.php (and .phps accordingly):

if ($MyString) {
$safeInfo = explode(" ",strip_tags(stripslashes(trim($MyString))));
  foreach($safeInfo as $strTok) {
    print "Checking: $strTok<BR>";
    if (strlen($strTok) <= 3) {
      $case = preg_match_all("/[A-Z]/",$strTok,$junk);
      $count = strlen($strTok);
      // Why won't this work?!?!?!
      if (preg_match_all("[A-Z]",$strTok,$junk) == strlen($strTok)) {

        // But this will ?????
        //if ($case == $count) {

        // They are all uppercase and will remain so
        echo "Keep em<BR>";
        $finalStr .= "$strTok ";
        // Case seems random....
        $finalStr .= ucwords(strtolower($strTok))." ";
      $finalStr .= ucwords(strtolower($strTok))." ";
  echo "<B>Final: $finalStr</B><BR>";

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