Here is a piece of code, that is close to doing what I want it to.
The end result I would like to have is an array that is simple to work with.
If the XML tag was <issue-name>RED HAT</issue-name>, I would like something
like the following:

$Tags['issue-name']. So I could print it out. Something like, print

I was able to get a numerical representation of the array like, $Tags[5] and
the value of that tag was "RED HAT", but then I would have to know what the
position of the data I am looking for in the array. I would prefer to know
the tag name and the array and get to the data that way. I know there is a
way to do this, but I just can't figure it out. There is a lot of
information on Parsing the XML file but not getting into a useful array, or
at least that I have found easily to understand.

if(!isset($Sym)) { $Sym = 'IKN'; }
$URI = '';
$simple = implode( '', file("$URI$Sym"));

$p = xml_parser_create();
file://echo "Index array\n";
file://echo "\nVals array\n";

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