I don't know if it's possible (or faster, or more efficient), but could 
you query your millions of records for those 3k - 5k, insert them into 
a temp table, then do your LIMIT queries on that table for your 
prev/next pages?

Just an idea!

Jason Soza
Juneau, Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, June 3, 2002 11:07 am
Subject: RE: [PHP] Previous & Next Navigation

> [snip]
> So you think it's more efficient and faster to load a 3 - 5 
> thousand row
> table into an array in memory and pass that around to all of your 
> scripts(through sessions?), rather than just passing a $page 
> variable and doing a
> query to return 30 rows on each page??
> If you pass a $Page variable, you can make your query like this:
> SELECT * FROM table LIMIT $Page*30,30
> Just increment and decriment $Page as you traverse the 
> results...easy, eh?
> [/snip]
> It's definitely faster, as for more efficient I would have to do 
> benchmarks.The original table consists of millions of rows and 
> each time you query with
> LIMIT the query traverses the entire set of records in the data to 
> get the
> proper CONDITIONS. Given that there are 3k -5k rows amongst the 
> millionsthis requires a lot of search time for each query. The 
> memory footprint of
> the 3k - 5k of records, even if the total memory needed for each 
> record is
> 1k (which it is not), is 30k - 50k RAM, less than the size of most web
> pages. The LIMIT query, running on a slow server to simulate dial-up
> connections, takes anywhere from 1.3 to 2.2 minutes (been timing 
> it a lot
> today) to execute. Since efficiency is often lumped in with speed, 
> I would
> have to surmise that using an array in this instance would be more 
> efficientas well.
> Thanks!
> Jay
> -- 
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