Use the explode() function based on the colon.  Then parse the 2nd array
element for the username that you want.  If matched, display all elements in
that array row.  Conversely you could use the implode() to reassemble the
array row.

(Assume $file_row is the row name that you have assigned)

/* your code to loop through the file goes here */
$your_array = explode(":",$file_row);
/* remember that arrays start with element 0 */
if ($your_array[1]) == "some name" {
    /* routine to display entire row */
/* continue processing loop */

PHP KISGB v4.0.5 Guest Book

"Tom Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I want to be able to search a flat file line by line looking for data
> such as a username then display all the information in that line. Is
> there some way to search the following format:
> record1:username:info:info:info
> record2:username:info:info:info
> record3:username:info:info:info
> So if someone submits the username in record two for the search I want
> it to stop at record two and then display that information...
> any suggestions?

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