the arrays below have dates like
    dateA= array( 0=> "03", 1=> "22", 2=> "02") 

for 22march2002.

why does this work:

    $retval= ($dateA[2] != $dateB[2])
         ? strcmp($dateA[2], $dateB[2])
         : (($dateA[0] != $dateB[0])
             ? strcmp($dateA[0], $dateB[0])
             : (($dateA[1] != $dateB[1])
                 ? strcmp($dateA[1], $dateB[1])
                 : 0));

but not this:

    $retval= ($dateA[2] != $dateB[2])
         ? strcmp($dateA[2], $dateB[2])
         : ($dateA[0] != $dateB[0])
         ? strcmp($dateA[0], $dateB[0])
         : ($dateA[1] != $dateB[1])
         ? strcmp($dateA[1], $dateB[1])
         : 0;

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