Hi All,
  I've been messing around and trying to figure out how to log info for 
error messages. I'm using a htaccess file to redirect requests to php error 
pages like below,

My htaccess file:

ErrorDocument 401 /error/error401.php
ErrorDocument 403 /error/error403.php
ErrorDocument 404 /error/error404.php
ErrorDocument 500 /error/error405.php

My question is this, Is it possible to use php to get the referring url, 
browser, os, date of error and stuff and then either write it to a text file 
or possible log it into mysql?

I've looked at files that insert data into a mysql database but the info 
comes from a post form or such. I'd just like the page to add this to mysql 
on page load so that I can write a page to pull the errors and view them 

If you know of a link to documentation or have any ideas, Let me know. I'd 
like to figure this out as I'm trying to learn php but any and all help is 

Thanks in advance,
Chris Bunting

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