I am currently trying to implement XML Parsing on a site using the XML News
Feed of another site. The site puts two versions of the news in its file

- <item>
  <title>Tsunami 2265 Date, Demo</title>

- <ITEM>
  <SUBJECT>Tsunami 2265 Date, Demo</SUBJECT>

I have a script that is meant to parse the file which is downloaded to a
local file hourly. The trouble is that the script tries parsing both lots
and I only wish it to parse the top half and to stop when it reaches the
entries using <SUBJECT> tags.

Does anyone have a solution for this? The script below is what I use to echo
the news onto my site. The script attached is the script that is meant to
parse the xml document.

        <?      include( "includes/xmlfeed.php" );
                $rdffile = "shacknews.xml";
                $remote = "http://www.shacknews.com/shackfeed.xml";;
                $refreshtime = time() - 3600;

        if ((filemtime($rdffile) < $refreshtime) || (filesize($rdffile) == 0)) {
        $RDF = fopen( $rdffile, "w" ) or die( "Cannot open $rdffile" );
        $FILE = fopen( $remote, "r" ) or die( "Cannot open $remote" );
                while (!feof( $FILE )) {
                fwrite( $RDF, fgets( $FILE, 1024 ));
                fclose( $RDF );
                fclose( $FILE );

        parseRDF( $rdffile );



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