
mysql_pconnect($hostname, $username, $password);

Wilbert Enserink wrote:

>this is a piece of code i include in every file.
>I thinbk this is the piece of code which kills my connection.
>do you have any tips for me how to maintain the connectoin open?
> thx Wilbert
>$global_dbh = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password);
>if (!$global_dbh)
> {
> mail([EMAIL PROTECTED]","dbconnect", no connection posiible from  $REMOTE_ADDR");
> die("No database connection could be established") ;
> }
>mysql_select_db($db, $global_dbh);
>Pas de Deux
>Van Mierisstraat 25
>2526 NM Den Haag
>tel 070 4450855
>fax 070 4450852

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