looks like it's trying to treat $cap1 as a decimal number, and not a hex
have a look at this:

for ($cap = 0; $cap < 64; $cap++)
  $cap1 = dechex($cap);
  $bit = ($cap1 | 0x01);
  echo "$cap - $cap1 - $bit\n";

and you'll see what I mean...

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank S. Kicenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: [PHP] Hex operations

Ugggg... Does anybody know why this doesn't work...

$cap = 16383;
$cap1 = dechex($cap);
// cap1 is now equal to 3FFF;
$bit = ($cap1 | 0x01);
//bit should equal 3FFF, but it doesn't.. it is always = 3 !!

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