Couldn't help noticing with the upgrade to version 4.21 that this function
is no longer available,

I've looked around and not found much on the subject but so far I have
worked out that my code basically has to change from this...

        <BuyerName><?print unparsedXML($globalBuyerName);?></BuyerName>
       <?if($MainWindow != "No"){?>
        <SearchSite InputName="code" submitName="">
          <select name="searchtype">
                                          <option value="Whole Site">
                                            Whole Site
                                          <option value="Product Code">
                                                  Product Code
                                          <option value="Categories">
                                        <option value="UNSPCSC">
                                        <option value="Manufacturer Name">
                                                Manufacturer Name
                                        <option value="Manufacturer Code">
                                                Manufacturer Code
        <SearchCategories InputName="catcode">
          <SelectFromCategoryLevel1 name="searchCategory"/>
<? xslt_output_endtransfrom();?>

To this ...

      if($MainWindow != "No"){
$XMLText.="<SearchSite InputName=\"code\" submitName=\"\"><select
name=\"searchtype\"><option value=\"Whole Site\">Whole Site</option><option
value=\"Product Code\">Product Code</option><option
value=\"UNSPCSC\">UNPCSC</option><option value=\"Manufacturer
Name\">Manufacturer Name</option><option value=\"Manufacturer
Code\">Manufacturer Code</option></select></SearchSite>";
$XMLText.="<SearchCategories InputName=\"catcode\"><SelectFromCategoryLevel1

$xh = xslt_create();
$result = xslt_process($xh, $XMLText, $xslfile, NULL, $arguments);
print $result;

I've been using 4.06 for a while and the code in the old way is much easier
to read (especially with a Color Coded Editor) and therefore much easier to
maintain and there is a lot of it..,

I've started changing the code to make it work, but the whole time I'm
feeling sorry for the Poor Tortured Soul who has to maintain it. and then it
hits me that the Poor T S will most probably be me.

Why did the xslt_output functions get removed? As far as I could tell they
worked just fine.
Am I approaching this change to the code from the wrong angle?
Is there a way to use XML and XSL in the way similar to the xslt_output
I was thinking of having files that could call the Old XML files and execute
the PHP inside them and return a string of executed phtml.
I think I could shell out to PHP.exe, but to me that doesn't seem very
efficient? as php is compiled into apache at the moment. Is there another
way to execute a PHP file called from within another PHP file and return the
output results as a String?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

By the way PHP is fantastic.
Keep up the Good Work.


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