I've just done a little reading on dl(), and it would appear that I can
dynamically load the GD lib at run time.

Although it isn't really clear to me exactly how this is done, given that I
have the gd-1.8.4 directory in my doc root (although I haven't compiled it
as yet).

<Quote the manual:>

bool dl ( string library)

Loads the PHP extension given by the parameter library. The library
parameter is only the filename of the extension to load which also depends
on your platform. For example, the sockets extension (if compiled as a
shared module, not the default!) would be called sockets.so on unix
platforms whereas it is called php_sockets.dll on the windows platform.


If string library is just the file name (eg gd.so), then I don't see how I
can specify the directory which I'm storing the gd.so file AFTER I've
compiled it.

Does this mean that the gd.so library would have to be placed inside the
extension_dir as specified by php.ini?

This pretty much rules me out, since I'm on a shared server, and won't be
granted access to this directory.  Unless I could use ini_set to set the
extension directory.

Has any one got some sample code of how all this might string together?

Justin French

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