>I'm trying to seach for a string that would occur about 10 lines into a text
>file. I don't want to search the entire file, and I just want to know if the
>string exsists or not, but I don't really know what I'm doing. This is what
>I was trying, it occurs inside a loop that is listing the files in a
> $fp = fopen("$target_filename", "r");
> $contents = fgets("$fp","4096");

fgets will quite after 4096 characters *OR* a SINGLE line of text.

You can either do "about 10" fgets() in a row, and check each one -- each
one will be a single line, unless a line is over 4096 characters...

*OR* you could just use fread() and assume the first line is only 4096 (or
whatever number you feel is safe) characters total:

$contents = fread($fp, 4096);

>  if(strstr("$contents", "$search_str"))
>  {
>      echo "<pre>";
>      readfile("$target_filename");
>      echo "</pre>";
>  }

Meta-comment -- If all you have is "$foo" then the quote marks are silly,
and you can just use $foo.

It will make your code a lot less "cluttered" looking.

Works the same, for all practical purposes, but looks nicer.

Technically, the "$foo" *might* cause the parser to waste a micro-second
longer to figure out that "$foo" is "4" which is 4, instead of just going
$foo is 4, but we're not talking measurable performance here, unless it's
inside a loop with a zillion iterations...

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