>> print($curlline); <----this looks fine
>> exec($curline);
>Have you tried executing $curlline directly from a shell/command-line? This
>will determine whether it is a PHP problem or a cURL problem.
>That was the first thing I did, and I have gone back a couple of times now
>to make sure.

Post an example $curlline with the iteration value plugged in...

Any chance it has, say, quotes or apostrophes in it?  How about unprintable
control characters?  Spaces that don't show up in the browser but that you
can see in "View Source" ? :-)

As a matter of fact, when viewing the source (which should display properly
if word wrap is off in Notepad) the line appears to be broken up. I have an
idea...write the line to a file then open the file and get the line for
exec()...blabbering now, must go...


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