>I need to echo a string that contains both quotes and double 
>I remember doing this once using a special construct where the 
>string started on a new line with a triple slash if I remember well. Or 
>it was a triple something...
>I can't find the topic in the online PHP doc...
>Anybody remember this construct?

You are talking about "here docs":

It's something goofy like:

Blah blah blah

Either <<< or >>>

But you don't really need that...

Just use \ in front of the kind of quotes you are using on the outside part:

$foo = 'You need to use \\ in front of any \'apostrophes\' but not "quotes"
inside here';
$bar = "You need to use \\ in front of any \"quotes\" but not 'apostrophes'
inside here";

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