I don't know of an *easy* way, but this script (with regex's ) isn't too
bad; you can figure it out with a little bit of research.
/* begin script
ereg("^([[:alpha:]]+)/([[:digit:]\.]+)( .*)$", $HTTP_USER_AGENT, $match);
If(eregi("msie", $Browser_Description))
    eregi("MSIE ([[:digit:]\.]+);, $Browser_Description, $match);
    $Browser_Version = $match[1];
// end script
So now, you have a script which gets the Name, Version and Description, and
also looks to specify MSIE as the browser. Read up on Regular Expressions,
and you can modify this for any browser/version combo.
(adopted from Listing 16.3 in Core PHP Programming by Leon Atkinson)

Chris Garaffa
$contact_info["Name"]   = "Chris Garaffa";
$contact_info["Email"]  = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$contact_info["Work"]   = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$contact_info["cell"]   = "203.803.9066";

He who calles himself "JJ Harrison" (from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote on
7/5/02 10:25 AM:

> Because!
> Also the audiance that will probably see the site will highly likely not
> have the knowledge or intention to change the user agent var. So my Q
> remains.
> To add to my original Q is there seperate vars for browser and OS?

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