Jo wrote:

>The problem:
>When connecting to the mysql server on the local machine its fine, but when you 
>connect to a remote machine 
>eg $db = mysql_connect("x.x.x.x", "user", "password");
>and request something from the database, it connects, BUT it takes about 5 minutes...

I have an idea, yes. Make sure that the machine you are connecting to 
can do a reverse lookup on the machine you are connecting from. Meaning, 
either your DNS has to be properly configured to include thie remote 
machine, or you need to add it to your /etc/hosts file.

To see whether I'm even on the right track, try to telnet or ftp 
manually rather than make a database connection. You should see the same 
timeout condition occur, because the remote machine will basically try 
to see who is connecting, and if it can't figure it out, it's going to 
first time out before giving up.

Happy hacking.


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