Thank you kindly ...

"Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >1) in a fuction, does a return statment automatically exit the function
> >well?
> Yes.  Nothing more will get executed inside the function after the
> Some purists claim that you should *NEVER* have a return *ANYWHERE* except
> the last line of a function.
> EG:
> function divide($numerator, $denominator){
>   if ($denomiator == 0){
>     return '';
>   }
>   else{
>     return $numerator/$denominator;
>   }
> }
> function divide($numerator, $denominator){
>   $result = '';
>   if ($denominator == 0){
>     $result = '';
>   }
>   else{
>     $result = $numerator/$denominator;
>   }
>   return $result;
> }
> It probably seems "silly" here, but when your functions get to be three or
> four screenfuls long, a "return" you aren't seeing on the monitor can
> frequently get you very confused, very fast.
> >2) can someone give me a better explination of $HTTP_POST_VARS
> If you give somebody an HTML FORM (like those forms you fill out on-line),
> after they fill it out, the PHP page that *proccess* the FORM page will
> all the data in an array named $HTTP_POST_VARS.
> Actually, it got renamed to $_POST recently.  (The old one will still work
> for a while, but convert ASAP).
> Sample HTML:
>   <INPUT NAME=searchkey> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=search VALUE="Search">
> Sample PHP:
> (note the filename must match the ACTION= part above)
> <?php
>   echo "Searchkey is ", $_POST['searchkey'], "<BR>\n";
>   echo "search button was clicked: ", isset($_POST['search']), "<BR>\n";
> ?>
> You could even not "know" what fields are in the FORM, and just output all
> of them:
> (this would be a "replacement" process.php file)
> <?php
>   while (list($variable, $value) = each($_POST)){
>     echo "$variable is $value<BR>\n";
>   }
> ?>
> --
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