try this (I think you have register_globals turned off)

 > Page 2:
 > <?
 > print $_SESSION['test_var']."!";
 > ?>

Alexander Ross wrote:
> I'm trying to understand sessions so I can set session variables. I set up 2
> very simple pages:
> Page 1:
> <?
> session_start();
> $test_var = "froggy";
> session_register('test_var');
> ?>
> <a href="page2.php">Click here</a>
> Page 2:
> <?
> print $test_var."!";
> ?>
> This doesn't seem to work though.  $test_var doesn't seem to have a value
> when I go the second page.  What am I missing.  Thanks for helping a newbie.
> Alex

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