The manual says the second parameter needs to be an array. I assume it 
is not, but you have not shown us how $type is assigned so we cannot tell.


Rw wrote:

>This is a continue from this morning (thanks so much for the responses)..
>yielding a data type mismatch:
>  $CheckArr = array("Periodic", "Sale", "Return");
>  IF (SUBSTR($approvalcode,0,1) == "Y" && in_array($CheckArr, $type))
>   {
>   PRINT "<BR>$approvalcode";
>   PRINT " ";
>   PRINT "$type";
>   }
>This line:   IF (SUBSTR($approvalcode,0,1) == "Y" && in_array($CheckArr,
>Causes this error:
>Warning: Wrong datatype for second argument in call to in_array in
>/home/www/globalspacesolutions/php3/billingtrx.php on line 47

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