I'm trying to preg_split() text between "<page>". I used the following but
can't get the regular expression to work:

$content = "blah blah <page> blah blah blah";
$paged = preg_split( "[[:cntrl:]*]<page>[[:cntrl:]*]", $content );

I also tried the following...

$content = "blah blah <page> blah blah blah";
$paged = preg_split( "[:cntrl:]<page>[:cntrl:]", $content );


$content = "blah blah <page> blah blah blah";
$paged = preg_split( "[[:cntrl:]]<page>[[:cntrl:]]", $content );

But none of these work. Can someone tell me what's wrong? I just want to
split the text on "<page>" and include any line feeds that may have been put
in before or after the "<page>" text.


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