> I'm using PG functions like below and I'm wondering how to get rid of 
>that dang Warning message?  PHP.ini setting? or can I turn on/off error 
>$rs is the result from pg_exec() (inside the other function)
>[PHP Code]
>$rs = get_database_stuff("list");
>$irow = 0;
>while ($ec = pg_fetch_object($rs, $irow)) {
> printf("<option value=\"%s\"", $ec->uuid);
> if ($ec_uuid == $ec->uuid) { printf(" selected"); }
> printf(">%s</option>\n", $ec->name);
> $irow++;
>[Resulting HTML]
><option value="C878CD32A3DB4CC98DEF1D5E1BCD4E30">Zhuhai Formula One</option>
><b>Warning</b>:  Unable to jump to row 920 on PostgreSQL result index 3 
>in <b>/var/www/html/default.php</b> on line <b>89</b><br>

Put an @ in front of the pg_fetch_object()

It's really a pain that PG issues a warning for this.

After you get used to putting the @ symbol by habit, you'll make a typo in
the pg_fetch_object() but you'll suppressing the error message :-(

Only add the @ after the code works!

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